Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Are You Taking a Vacation This Year?

From a European perspective, Americans have never been very good at taking a vacation. While three to four weeks a year of vacation is typical for most Europeans, Americans feel grateful if they take a week or two.

But what is a vacation? Work expectations while vacationing are on the rise, largely due to technology. To really get away, you may have to leave your computer and phone at home and find a deserted island. Thirteen per cent of non-self-employed employees report they are expected to work while on vacation. One in five said they weren't expected to work but had to be available should an emergency arise. If you are self-employed, the economy may demand that you skip the vacation in order to keep your struggling company producing.

And if you can get the time away from work, you may not be able to go anywhere. Nineteen percent of Americans who are taking a vacation are taking it at home this year. "Stay-cations" are becoming more popular with the majority of those taking them stating that rising fuel prices are a primary reason they are choosing not to drive or fly anywhere.

If you are stuck with little opportunity to travel, consider a getaway to a nearby location. Budget Travel put together a list of One-Tank Escapes for seven U.S. cities (in different regions). A short trip may not feel like enough. But it may be all you get.

Sources: Survey Reveals U.S. Workers May Change or Cancel Summer Vacations if Economic Volatility Continues
Top Reasons Americans are Choosing to Vacation Within Their State

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